Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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White Hart Lane, Romford, Essex RM7 8JB

+44 (0)1708 741826

Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Parent Info
  2. Attendance

Attendance and Absence 

Regular and punctual attendance is important for pupils as it gives them the best chance to make the most of the opportunities available at the school.

In line with all schools permission is not given for holidays in term time.  Absences from school other than for illness or other educationally approved reasons will be unauthorised and will appear on a child's record accordingly.

If your child is unwell you should contact the school office on the first day of absence, using the Studybugs App before 8.45am. Absences will not be authorised without explanation. Please click the link to register for studybugs 

 Attendance 2024-2025.pdfDownload
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Please see the below FAQ and video link highlighting the importance of regular attendance:

London Borough of Havering School Attendance Video

 Attendance FAQ .doc.pdfDownload
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Punctuality is also important and this is regularly monitored. We have made our own video called Rise and Shine. To view please click on the link below and enter the password : attendance