Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Parent Info

Useful Information for Parents

Attendance and Absence

Regular and punctual attendance is important for pupils as it gives them the best chance to make the most of the opportunities available at the school.

If your child is unwell you should report their absence using the Studybugs App.  Absences will not be authorised without explanation.

Other reasons for absence must be discussed with the school on an individual basis.
Leave may be granted at the school's discretion for appointments and commitments that are unavoidable during school time. 


Holidays should only be taken during the recognised school breaks. The school calendar is published under the calendar tab. 

Learning Resources

Crownfield Infant and Nursery School is fortunate to have access to a wide range of learning resources.

Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and access to 30 laptops. The school benefits from a fully equipped ICT suite for the children's use.  All computers in our school are networked to allow sharing of resources and access to the internet. We also have I-pads which are used on a regular basis in all year groups.

The school also has large playing fields within the school grounds giving plenty of space for sports and recreational use.

Medicines in School

The school will administer essential medicine that has been prescribed by a doctor.  Asthma pumps are also kept in the classroom. Please ensure that any equipment is clearly marked with the child's name and that inhalers are kept in date.  A form must be completed if parents require the school to do this.

It is important that the school is kept informed of the medical needs of its pupils.

Please contact the school office if you have any questions regarding medicines in the school.

Raising concerns and resolving complaints

From time to time parents and other connected parties may become aware of matters which cause them concern. To encourage prompt resolution of such situations the Governing Body has adopted a 'General Complaints Procedure'. This procedure has been devised with the intention of resolving issues quickly and informally where possible.

To view our complaints policy please click on the download button below. 


 Complaints Policy 2023-2024.pdfDownload
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